I am deeply inspired by the raw wildness and inherent beauty of untamed forests, rugged mountains, and the stormy Great Lakes.

As an abstract painter, I am constantly exploring the relationship between nature and the sublime. (The sublime underlies the awe of the Romantic and the terror of the Gothic.) Still, for me, the sublime is not just a concept but a deeply felt emotion that arises from experiencing the vast and fierce qualities of nature.

Through the layering of bold colors, gestural brushstrokes, and translucent textures, I create a sense of depth and movement in my art to convey the dynamic and ever-changing spirit of nature while emphasizing the ineffable qualities that make it so powerful. My work is a blend of digital and traditional art materials, with the immediacy and freshness of painting on an iPad and the tangible physicality of conventional art materials.

Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to create art that evokes a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world while also acknowledging its power and unpredictability. I hope to inspire viewers to connect with my art and to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us.

Hello. I’m David and I’m a self-taught artist. Yes, I went to art school but it has been my life experience that has taught me to look and finally see how to make art. It’s an ongoing evolution. As is this bio. Stay tuned…